Friday, June 12, 2009

Been watching "Design on a Dime"

Spoiler: This entry is a somewhat hodge-podgey collection of thoughts and ideas

Why is it that I always feel so inspired when my budget for redecorating / designing my own living space is virtually nothing? Even those creative DIY projects require some kind of funding... (not to mention an outdoor location to spray paint on).

I love these light fixtures.

Instead... my "To-Do" list for today has nothing fun or creative on it.

(Note: This practice is what's keeping me sane -- Writing a To-Do list everyday. I just LOVE crossing things off as I go.)

To Do
--Get rid of Bethany's stuff in the back of my "new" car/ Clean-Out center console
--Get Car Insurance
--Get a Safety Inspection
--Go to the DMV
--Call My Grandaddy
--Go to the Bank
--Go to Ikea for a desk and more storage baskets.. maybe a side table and barstools? 
--Figure out how to be unemployed (financially and emotionally)
--Keep a Positive Attitude about the "Job Search"

Favorite Quote: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last human freedom – to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance” ~Viktor Frankl 

Wish List

Again & Again Consignment Store
Accent Chairs would really complete the "living-room" in our apartment.
But definitely not priority.

These things are higher on my list.

A small (VERY small) dinette or cafe table.

And a desk with LOTS of storage. (Unfortunately, not at all like this REALLY cute one from Palacek)

Maybe I can still get away with just buy LOTS of these little desktop storage boxes from Ikea.

1 comment:

sheribomb said...

I love these posts of yours! They are motivating me to think more about my upcoming "new space" and how to decorate it creatively and cheaply!