Thursday, April 29, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Walla Walla Walls

I wish this was my work space...

Days like these... It's so obvious that I'm on the wrong career path. Or not the wrong path.. but maybe just misdirected. I hope that one day (sooner than later) I have the financial stability to make a living by living my life.. doing the things I love. The best I can do is find some sort of positive element in every "job" I take. I spent 7 years working for McKee and Company... learning the elements of home design... textiles... color palettes... space planning...(and of course, how to take coffee orders, prune roses, and handwrite 100s of 100s of price tags... haha) Next, short-lived employment at Salt Creek Grille, as a 20 something year-old hostess. Needless to say.. I didn't learn much... other than the simple fact that I love to serve people. I love to create atmospheres where people can come and talk, and eat, and be merry. But even that... I learned that a LONG time ago. I do love to entertain. All I can say about my current venture is that I'm learning a lot.. (about diamonds and gemstones, settings and metals) I'm still not sure it's helping me figure out what I want to do with my life... but I don't hate going every day... and we all know that's half the battle. I can't justify the compensation.. so I won't even try. For the most part, I enjoy my peers, admire my boss, and have an awesome team. Just trying to figure out how (and when) it's all going to result in a life (living) I'm proud of.


Ready for Spring not Cool, Cloudy, and Large damaging hail

If you don't already follow the feather report -- and add the Free Iphone App. It's Fun.

Do-able kitchen
